Monday, March 23, 2009

The Serect

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. I remember this day clearly. We were both in 6th grade and we were about 12 years old now. We were always together, and always told each other everything. One day my best friend came to me and said "yo can i tell u a secret?" I said go ahead and he went and said i had sex last night with my sisters friend. I told him explain what happen and he said it was last night last when my sister's friends slept over I was downstairs with one and we were talking and we starting talking and ended up having sex. I was shocked but he said don't tell nobody and I said okay. I never told anybody about his secrets unless he said I could. One day someone came up too me and asked is it true my boyfriend which was my best friend, had sex with another girl? I never lied to anyone before so i couldn't start now. I told her and she broke with him and she was just heart broken. My best friend came up too me and said "why would you tell her?" I said because i couldn't lie to her. And until now he still hasn't talked to me. This happen in 6th grade and I am a freshmen in college.


  1. i liked it it was short but good

    you should add more


  2. It was cool but I think that a little more would make it better

  3. i like your story but it is shortand a little more
