Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The Story of an Hour:
I learned that you have to choose your freedom wisely, and too be careful what you wish for. The reason i am saying this is because if you want freedom go get it or if you want the freedom where your lonely than stay and your house or just die and be with god. Also the reason i said be careful for what you wish was because she was so happy when she heard that her husband had died and she said i can finally be free but when she seen her husband walk in the door she died and than she was really free. I aslo learned that freedom is a thing that you just get handed too you; you have to go out and get it really want it like if it's your passion and in The Story of The Hour she didn't do or get that.

The Blind Man:
I learned alot in The Blind Man. This story though me that people back than and sometimes today people didn't care for disabled people. In the story they didn't bother helpping the blind man at all. For example,

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