Monday, May 18, 2009
"The Diary of Anne Frank"
2. In scene 1, what objects does Mr. Frank find in the secret rooms? The objects that Frank finds in the secret room where Anne Frank's diary also the white glove. How are these objects connected with the rest of the act? These objected are connected with the rest of the act because the diary of Anne Frank was the act and the white gloves was something she had in the act.
3. What special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families? The special meaning that Hanukkah has for the families is a feeling of joy after having to be scared of being caught. What does Anne's presents show about her? The presents showed a lot about Anne Frank. No matter what happened she had a spirit of joy and just wanted to be happy and make everyone else happy with her. Why do the others react with enthusiasm to the presents? The others react with enthusiasm with the presents because the presents they got meant something to them because at that time it might have been there last Hanukkah.
4. With a partner, discuss Mr. Frank's statement, "There are... no locks that anyone can put on your mind." How does Anne prove that this is true? She proves that the statement is true because she was the one to always think outside the box. And she never had a lock on her mind because she was always thinking.
5. What is the historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding? The historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding is the Holocaust which was the Nazis killing the Jews and the Franks were Jews. What effects does this situation have on their daily lives? The effects that this situation had effected them because they could not go to school or can't go to stores or couldn't even go to work to make money to eat.
6. In scene 2, Anne and Peter discuss the stars of David on their clothes. What affects does do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews? It tried to make them feel like they were dead. As in lower class men and not useful just waste for dead. What background information about the war and the Nazis' treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended effects? The things with this was that the Jews were getting killed if they had the star and if not they were identified as Jews and still killed which resulted to many murders and many lost families for many people.
7. Dialogue::
Reveals character and relationships: When Anne and Peter got closer in there relationship because they were getting to know each other more than before. Also Peter's feelings started to change for Anne because she changed and was more quiet and had more of a heart.
Advances the action of the plot: When Mr. Dussel thinks that there was a thief downstairs he tried to go downstairs but he didn't because they stopped him because if he would've went downstairs than he would have got everyone caught from hiding.
Develops the conflict: When Mr. Van Dan steals the food everybody wants to kick him and his family out for being thieves but Anne doesn't because she is in love with Peter.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
2. The term "ghetto" came from the Jewish quarter in Venice.
3. Three types of ghettos Open ghettos, Destruction ghettos, and closed ghettos.
4. They named jail uniform's after my name Julian.
5. Holocaust means sacrifice of fire.
6. German SS and police murdered nearly 2,700,000 Jews in the killing centers either by asphyxiation with poison gas or by shooting.
7. Survivors were Helen Cohen and Walter F. and so on.
8. Germany started World War II by invading Portland on September 1, 1939.
9. May 10, 1940 Germany began an assault on western Europe by going to the low countries.
10. Axis military units in Africa, approximately 150,000 troops in all, surrendered in May 1943.
11. Children were the first to go to the killing center.
12. December 7, 1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
13. Adolf means wolf.
14. Anne Frank had 4 helpers that helped her.
15. She had a lot of people in a small room with her.
16. Hitler made a book all about his plan to take over Germany.
17. He killed himself before they could take him to jail.
18. They digged trenches and shot them and they fell in them.
19. The Nazi's soled twins together and they were stuck together to try and make them one.
20. Jewish people who had passports had to have a big j to tell who was Jewish and not.
21. People in Germany were making a medicine in kids eyes and they would die.
22. 6,000 on average were killed in gas chambers.
23. Little kids weren't fed at all and they were skinny and some would die from not being able to eat.
24. A lady killed a baby because he was crying to much.
25. June 12,1942 Anne gets her diary.
26. The last DP camp closed in 1957.
27. May 5, 1945 the German surrendered.
28. They collected all the belongings such as brushes tooth brushes and many other things.
Friday, May 1, 2009
It is better too share than to be greedy because to much greedynees can be bad.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
"The Outcasts of Poker Flat"
-Uncle Billy
-Citizens of Poker Flat
-Bad Luck
If I had to choose someone or something for the cause of the Outcast's death it would be the citizen's of Poker Flats for many reasons. One of the reasons it their fault for their death is because they kicked them out of the place. If they would've never kicked them out they would've still lived there. But once they got kicked out they didn't have no way to live anymore so they eventually died from freezing to death because it was so go out there and the snow covered them. Also because they kicked them out because they were supposedly drunks and strippers but they were still good people. Too me if they weren't causing you any trouble you would've just left them alone and let them play poker and whatever else they did.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Kate Chopin
I learned that you have to choose your freedom wisely, and too be careful what you wish for. The reason i am saying this is because if you want freedom go get it or if you want the freedom where your lonely than stay and your house or just die and be with god. Also the reason i said be careful for what you wish was because she was so happy when she heard that her husband had died and she said i can finally be free but when she seen her husband walk in the door she died and than she was really free. I aslo learned that freedom is a thing that you just get handed too you; you have to go out and get it really want it like if it's your passion and in The Story of The Hour she didn't do or get that.
The Blind Man:
I learned alot in The Blind Man. This story though me that people back than and sometimes today people didn't care for disabled people. In the story they didn't bother helpping the blind man at all. For example,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 3-7
One problem would be that he get younger but when he gets younger he's gunna start losing his jobs and his memory because he's getting younger and he can't work. Another one is that he is going to be lonely because he is going to leave his wife and kid and when he as a gets younger he's going to be lonely. Also he is going to die when he is a baby and he will lose all the skills he had.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Without You
without you, My dreams would turn into nightmares
Without you, there's nobody to love.
Without you, I won't be cheerful
without you, everything will tremble
Without you, who would be there to protect me
Without you, who would dry away my tears
Without you, I'm miserable.
Without your love and care who would be there for me
Without you I'm nothing but worthless and
Without you, I'm nothing but a geek and a lame
Without you I'm nothing but stupid
and dump
Because without you who would make me feel
special has the way you do b-wawa.
Monday, March 30, 2009
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

I was 10 years old now and the oldest kid of them all. I had my parents, my younger brother and my younger sister, my dog, and also my grandma. My grandpa had died in War World I. Even though we were white we were pretty poor living on our farm. I loved living in the farm land. It was a quiet place but we also had our own farm and house. There was a nearby church that we would go to every Sunday, and ;earn about God. Luckily for us we lived in Alpena Michigan and we could be able to travel to Lake Huron and get water.
We had cows chickens and only one horse. We loved him to death because he would help us go from one place to another to get curtain goods that we didn't have. I was young but my father always made me milk the cows and catch the chicken. My father was nice, but when it came to working he always pushed himself and even me to the point where we can't work anymore. After everyday of hard work we would eat some bread and go to sleep, and do it all over again. The only time we would eat chicken would be on Sunday's. We only ate chicken on Sunday's because we liked to save our food and not waste it quickly.
I couldn't really do a lot of playing because I had to work with my dad and unlike my younger brother and sister they could play around because they weren't 10 years old yet. One of the rules in our house was once your ten you have to start learning to work so when your older you know what to do. I didn't really care sometimes because it was fun when i had to milk the cows. Every Sunday that I made it I thanked God for letting me live another day with my family and horses and and letting me eat some really good chicken and pie that my mom and grandma made every Sunday.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Pet Peeves
2.I hate when people say I don't know.
3. I hate when a boy everyday after school trys to hump me.
4. I hate when a curtain person calls me Fag and when people call me Juliana.
5. I hate when I don't land a trick when I'm skateboarding.
6. I really hate when someone says their going to kill themselves, for when they get mad or something.
7. I hate when people jock me. For example when someone texts me over and over.
8. I don't like when someone can't admit their wrong.
9. I hate when i'm sleeping on the weekend and someone texts me something stupid and it wakes me up.
10. I hate when my brother looks through my drawer and when people do too.
11. I hate calling a fast food and they take forever to bring our food.
12. I hate when my mom talks on the phone and doesn't let me listen to the music because she is on the phone.
13. I hate when my old boss tried to make everything perfect when he couldn't even do it perfect.
14. I hate when people try to show off in front of girls.
15. When someone trys to say their good at something but they really aren't.
16. I hate when the Cubs lose.
17. I hate when my mom asks the dumbest questions.
18. I hate when parents make you go to like 5 different stores.
19. I hate when guys have their pants with their butts sticking out.
20. I hate the scary movies now because their so predictable.
21. I hate it when graffiti on the streets is ugly.
22. I hate when people don't clean up after their dogs pooh.
23. I hate when girls cut themselves.
24. I hate people who are over protective.
25. I hate when people try to tell me what to do when they can't do it themselves.
26. I hate the cops they don't even do their job correctly.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Serect
It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. I remember this day clearly. We were both in 6th grade and we were about 12 years old now. We were always together, and always told each other everything. One day my best friend came to me and said "yo can i tell u a secret?" I said go ahead and he went and said i had sex last night with my sisters friend. I told him explain what happen and he said it was last night last when my sister's friends slept over I was downstairs with one and we were talking and we starting talking and ended up having sex. I was shocked but he said don't tell nobody and I said okay. I never told anybody about his secrets unless he said I could. One day someone came up too me and asked is it true my boyfriend which was my best friend, had sex with another girl? I never lied to anyone before so i couldn't start now. I told her and she broke with him and she was just heart broken. My best friend came up too me and said "why would you tell her?" I said because i couldn't lie to her. And until now he still hasn't talked to me. This happen in 6th grade and I am a freshmen in college.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Her Mysterious Death
Sandra Cosby was a good women she loved school, she had a good job working part-time because of school. She was 18 years old and a senior in Lane Tech High School. Julian Cabrera was assigned to the murder. I am a Crime scene investigator. I been in the business for about 3 in a 1/2 years and was on top of my game every time I was working. I loved to work with everything especially dead bodies. When they assigned me to the case I had to find out who the murder was. Apparently a witness came in to tell us what happen. When we took the witness in for investigation he seemed scared. The witness was Jordan Montoya he was 18 years old and he was skateboarding at the Eagle, when he says he saw two cars pull over and one man with a gun so he went to hide but watched what was happening. He said right when some guy got out the car with a girl he ran out to the gun-men and started fighting him. Jordan said "I though that guy was dead but nothing happen he was dropped to the floor and that's it, but he did tell the girl to run." We suspected that the boyfriend had something to do with it. So I put him on my list. My list was people that I though they had something to do with the crime scene. Jordan also explained Their was another man with the gun-men. According to Jordan he was the one who pursued the girl and shot her 3 times. Who was it who shot Sandra Cosby?
We had to start investigating fast. We had a suspect though it was her boyfriend Jimmy Hernandez. He lived pretty far out in Niles. We went out to his house.When we arrived it was a lonely street but very green with lots of trees. His parents answered the door before we knocked and just starting ambushing us with questions and asking for her son. We told them to go inside and we will discuss this. We were talking about her son Jimmy Hernandez he is about 19 and doesn't work. He lives in the basement of his parents house and apparently we didn't really know how Sandra could like such a person! Jimmy was nowhere to be found and had no friends that we could contact him at. Apparently to us he was in on it.
Jimmy Hernandez had fled town before we could contact him. As we got more clues everything started coming together. We went right over to Sandra's house to see if we could get anymore information. We asked the parents to see what kind of information we could get. The mother said "On March 13, 2009 she was working and got off at 10:00 p.m. and was supposed to be home by 10:30 to 11:00 p.m, but she never showed up. We called her cellphone almost every 5 minutes but no answer at all. We were worried so we sent our sons to go look for her. Our kids are about in their late 20's now. One is Joe Jr. he was the oldest kid of them all than David he was the second oldest. It was now about 2:30 a.m. and there was no word of any of my kids. At 3:01 a.m. cops had came to my house and when I opened I though it was my kids but it was the cops and I asked what happened and they say Sandra Cosby has been announced dead at 1:06 a.m. I was crying so hard that I had forgotten about my boys. They were nowhere to be found they didn't call me nothing and i though they were dead too until I got a call saying mom this is Joe don't worry I'm okay and he hung up. He was calling from a pay phone but I don't know where from."
After talking with the parents we had it all. Well we though we did. We tracked down when Joe Jr. had made the phone call it was still in Chicago. Joe had still not been found and yet we had nothing. A few days later we had got a call from a lady saying she sees two bodies in the Chicago River. To come to find out it was Jimmy Hernandez Sandra's brother, David Sandra's brother and even Joe Jr. were found dead March 17, 2009. How does three men have being dead?
Was there someone else who killed them or did one kid all and than kill themselves?
We had no idea what was going on at all except for the fact that 4 people were dead in left than a week. We brought Jordan Montoya back in for more investigation and he told us the exact same story he told us last time. We had absolutely nothing. I've never been this bad at a case before until a few weeks later we got a lead. A witness came in and said "this is the real story." She explained to us that she was getting off the blue line of Logan Square when she seen two cars on the side of the street and does where the only two cars around I seen a man fighting a man and one of them had the gun a girl started to run and some guy started chasing him. I looked back at the people fighting and i looked at the cars i seen a gun go out of the window and shots were fired. The girl had fell to the floor and it was 3 shots fired. The guy that was chasing her ran back in the car and the two guys fighting stopped fighting and one got in the other car and the other guy got in the other car.
We knew someone esle was involved but who? We figured most of it out; After eventhing had happen they all met up and it was 4 suspects in too kill the girl Sandra's brother's and her boyfriend and another person. When they met up they must of been arguing with eachother and one must of shot anther and than one after another. Or maybe the fourth person shot all three of them and fled town before he could be caught. Who was the person who killed Sandra Cosby?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Julian Cabrera's Life Story
My wife had too stay in the hospital for another 2 weeks and i had too go back home because i had to work and i had too take care of the kids. When her and Julian came home i was excited and happy for the baby to see how he likes the environment. We feed him and everything. The thing was my wife and me weren't making enough money so we had too move into a small studio. After a year or two my wife and i separated and she took Julian and i kept the other two kids.
My wife moved with her mom in the south-side and had Julian too. I was still seeing Julian because after school he had too come to my house until my wife got out of work and she worked right under where i lived. Once my wife had enough money she rented a house nearby my house and the other two kids moved with her, and my brother moved in with me and it was just us in my studio and the kids and my wife in her house. Everything was okay for a few years with my brother except for the fact that i wanted my family back.
My oldest son moved back with me and things still weren't the same. That's when Julian came back. He was about 7 years old when he came to stay and live with me. The whole family was good. I was teaching Julian how to play baseball because that was my favorite sport and i wanted to see if he loved it and i was right. We signed him up for t-ball and he was MVP and played travel ball. Each year he played and he still is.
Julian was always clumsy and always found away to hurt himself, but it was okay because he never cried. One day in fall of 2008 he was arrested for tagging. When i found out i was pissed off knowing that he did but disappointed in myself for not knowing that he does that. It was embarrassing to pick him up at the precinct. I grounded him and everything went smoothly. He would always mock me when i talk to him, and make fun of my accent. For example when i told him to clean his room he would mock me and say "GOOO CLEAN YOUR ROM." And i would just send him away and laugh about it. No matter what i love Julian and the rest of my kids.
Friday, February 27, 2009
What I Wish From President Barak Obama
Obama’s plan for ending the war would turn the page in Iraq by removing our army troops from Iraq's civil war; by taking the press for a new approach on within Iraq, by talking to all of Iraq's neighbors to press for a civilized friendship with one another country and by confronting the human costs of this war. I wish Obama would do this because my cousin in over in Iraq and I want him to come back because I really miss him and want to be able to hang out with him again.
Former President Bush sent troops to Iraq not because of the 9-11 that happened but because nobody wants to share their oil so bush though he could bully other countries and decided to go to Iraq and try and take their oil. But there was terrorist in Iraq that weren’t going to allow it. And one of Obama’s main reason he went for president was because he wanted to try and bring back the troops in Iraq and worry about what is going on in the United States. Obama should bring the troops back because families are missing them and if the troops were to come back more families would be happy. I wish Obama would stop the War in Iraq.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Parents Are the Best Teachers
When kids experience pier pressure, our parents know exactly what to do to ignore it. Our mothers know when were sad or mad, or even happy because of something that happen. Our fathers tell us to just walk away from drugs even if they say everyone’s doing it because when it comes down to it, really no one is. They even know when were under pier pressure, and they ask us about it and teach me how to resist doing wrong. Even though our parents teach how to resist pier pressure and be soft on us they still go hard on us.
Parents teach us how to work, by working us around the house. They teach me how to clean my room. They teach me how to make food. For example, if I worked at a restaurant I would know what to cook because my parents though me how to cook. They even teach me how to do the laundry. I do a lot of work around the house do to my parents that will make me succeed in life.
Our parents know exactly what is going on in our teenage lives because their teenage lives where almost the same. My parents know what is going on in my neighborhood with my friends because it happened to them when they were teenagers. They know how to keep us out of trouble from gangs. They can even let us know the tricks from school in order to pass because they did it in their teenage lives. My parents are the best when it comes from them telling us about their teenage lives.
Parents are the best teachers for all the reasons in the world. When kids experience pier pressure, our parents know exactly what to do to ignore it. Parents teach us how to work, by working us around the house. They even know how to explain to us about how to succeed in life no matter what. This is why my parents are the best teachers because they know it all, don’t you think?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Skill Everyone Needs
You got to have good math skills because if your building a house you need to know the area, the perimeter and also the lenght. Like the house can be really tall in lenght and if the perimeter isn't big enough it could collapse and do alot of damage.
You must know how to be able to mutiply your checks to see how much your getting off from your taxes so you won't get ripped off. You got to mutiply how much money you have to save in the bank for emergengy, for food, gas, and any other thing that you have to mutiply in order for you not to get ripped off and to understand math. For example if your at a store and you buy a drink for $4.00 and meat for $4.00 mutiply 2 times (x) 4 and get $8.00.
Also another thing that we need to know math for is for science work, such as building a robot, measuring how much to put in something, and even combining things together. When you build a robot you must know how to put curtain metal pieces in the correct place. Even measuring, such as water into a car to see how much it needs you got to use a measuring cup to be percise. You have to have math in order to have science because without math there would be no science.
Math is a very important skill that everyone must learn in order for you to be successful. You must be able to know how to measure. Learn how to mutilpy so you can do your taxes. Forward more you must also need math for sceince work like building a robot. You got to have math in order to suceed in life.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Best Day Ever
It was like 1 in the morning now and it was officially February 12, 2008 and we were both wide awake and me and her both started getting shy with one another because we started flirting with each other and i just came right out and asked her would she go out with me. It took her about 10 minutes before she could say something again, and she said i don't know so i just let it slide and an hour or two later I ask her out again and she said, "i don't know Julian because i don't want to ruin your friendship with my bro." I just said forget about it and got a little bit mad because she wouldn't say yes and i just wanted to go out with her.
It was now like 5 in the morning and me and her were still talking and we were talking about if we do go out and we stay together next year she'll be in high school and I'll still be in middle school. I told her it wouldn't matter because I have trust in her and she could trust me. So for the last time I asked her out and she said "yes Julian." I jumped off my bed started jumping and screaming and i just had the biggest smile ever and i knew it was the best day ever. I just was so cheesy at that time that I could barely talk without having to stop myself. It was just amazing! It was like around 8:00 in the morning and I was getting tired and luckily we had the following day off. It was 8:40 a.m. when i wanted to say goodnight and hang-up but i couldn't hang up on her, so for like 15 minutes we were trying to get one another to hang up on eacother and we were both like hang up no you hang up, and i told her too and she didn't but I made her. Once she hung up I was happy and fell asleep.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Her Smile...
me away. Her teeth as white as printing
paper. Her smile as cute as a babies smile.
I knew she was right for me, just the question
was was I right for her? She had it all
the body of a god. She loved to play sports
like softball or volleyball and very good at it.
I am good at sports like baseball, football, softball
and sometimes basketball. The only problem with
her was that she was in love with this boy named Gerson
and he liked her too. So even time i tried to talk to her she
wouldn't even talk to me because she was so in
love with him, and she would always talk to him
more than me. My heart was getting hurt that i just
decided to give up and move on. She really didn't notice
that I was even trying to talk to her because she was
so in love with Gerson. After a while i started messing
with other women and still liked her beautiful smile,
and as for Gerson he went out with another girl and she
was heartbroken and couldn't really recover. Once i
founded that out i was still there for her and we ended up
becoming closer friends and just stood that way because
we didn't want to hurt each other if we did go out. As I said
before her smile blew me away, but but she inhaled and brought
me back.